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Weeks 1-3 (July 2024)
Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LGold pts
1 B GUMBY (12)130 89.925-0-12.80
2 A JEFFERY (2)101 82.245-0-12.80
3 B ADAMS (9)102 81.234-0-22.24
4 A MULLAMPHY (1)83 79.125-0-12.80
5 B EMUL (10)45 71.574-0-22.24
6 B KAPLAN (7)27 64.883-0-31.68
7 B LOWRY (11)-31 50.991-1-40.84
8 A HOUSE (6)-73 48.523-0-31.68
9 B JIANG (8)-64 44.201-1-40.84
10 A BUSTANY (5)-95 39.712-0-41.12
11 A KUMAR (3)-87 38.300-2-40.56
12 A BASHAR (4)-138 29.321-0-50.56
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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