Pair 20 - Ina Buhse / Heather Whitely
Place this match: 38
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Datum Net Imps
Board 37 23: Jody Swaine / Steve Miller 4 W
AS 10 420 -100 320 8 Board 38 23: Jody Swaine / Steve Miller 4 E
KC 11 650 -530 120 3 Board 39 23: Jody Swaine / Steve Miller 4 E
4D 9 -100 -320 -420 -9 Board 40 23: Jody Swaine / Steve Miller 3NT E 6D 10 430 -420 10 0 Board 41 23: Jody Swaine / Steve Miller 5NT E 7C 11 660 -510 150 4 Board 42 23: Jody Swaine / Steve Miller 2 W
KD 9 140 -20 120 3 Board 43 23: Jody Swaine / Steve Miller 4 S
QC 11 -450 410 -40 -1 Board 44 23: Jody Swaine / Steve Miller 3 N
KC 9 -140 -100 -240 -6 Board 45 23: Jody Swaine / Steve Miller 3NT N 2H 10 -630 170 -460 -10 Total -8
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