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Pair 46 - Rosemary Hummelshoj / Graham Daniel
Place this match: 5
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score   Datum  Net  Imps   
Board 373: Walt Alma Van der / Kathy Ivits2NT N3C11210-130802  
Board 383: Walt Alma Van der / Kathy Ivits1NT W8C5200-101905  
Board 393: Walt Alma Van der / Kathy Ivits2H SAC7-10070-30-1  
Board 403: Walt Alma Van der / Kathy Ivits2H E4C75010602  
Board 413: Walt Alma Van der / Kathy Ivits4H SAS10420-380401  
Board 423: Walt Alma Van der / Kathy Ivits4H N5C10620-3203007  
Board 433: Walt Alma Van der / Kathy Ivits4H N5S9-50-60-110-3  
Board 443: Walt Alma Van der / Kathy Ivits2H WJD8-110140301  
Board 453: Walt Alma Van der / Kathy Ivits3NT S9C10630-3103208  

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