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NSW Tournament Results

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Sum of IMPs over three weeks
Place Imps VPs Pair Name Red pts
163.33 0.00Peter GILL - Liz ADAMS (106)2.26
252.00 0.00Andrew PEAKE - Giselle MUNDELL (104)1.89
324.33 0.00Hugh GROSVENOR - Tania LLOYD (103)1.37
4-3.00 0.00Kelsey CHEN - Heath HENN (108)0.96
5-9.33 0.00Phil GUE - Anthony BURKE (101)0.48
6-34.00 0.00Sunny PANG - Ian MACLAREN (102)0.72
7-39.67 0.00Rakesh KUMAR - Colin CLIFFORD (107)0.48
8-53.67 0.00Nick JACOB - Jane BEEBY (105)0.36
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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